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Tacos Aren't Just For Tuesdays

January 6, 2019

They're for every day. And we're so excited that a reader wrote in to tell us about her rainy Saturday dinner. Here's what she said: "I had a can of black beans, some limes, an avocado, a jalapeño pepper, some tortillas and some frozen cod and I had gotten salsa and chips from the store before the rain started. I warmed the canned black beans in some lime juice, made the guac with avocado, lime, chopped jalapeño, fresh garlic and pink salt. After defrosting the cod, I marinated it in lime juice, chile lime powder and a little bit of honey. I put it on cookie sheet and added pink salt and pepper. I also added lime slices on top to keep it moist and baked it at 400 for 12 mins. For the pepitas on top, I roasted raw pumpkin seeds with a splash of oil, sugar, salt, cumin, garlic, pepper and chili powder. Once you learn to make simple tacos (like the ones you guys talk about in the ACB), you can play around it do it your way." Yes. Yep. Exactly that!